

via Lonely Planet

This is a blog about my experience serving with the Peace Corps as a Community Health volunteer in Ecuador from June 2011 to August 2013.

My site is the city of Alausi, in the central province of Chimborazo. Its located 2 hours south of Riobamba, 4 hours north of Cuenca, and about 4 hours east of Guayaquil.

I'm currently partnered with the county nutritionist who works out of the Hospital Civil Alausi. The majority of my time is actually spent in the health clinic in Tixan, a small town that is the capital of the Tixan parrish, located 30 minutes north of Alausi. There I counsel parents (mostly moms) from the town and surrounding indigenous communities on nutrition, hygiene and safe water consumption. I also do some work in the communities, but because of geography and transportation, it is difficult to do more.

Questions or comments? Leave a note at the end of the blog post or email at chloe.pete[at]